Posted by: ThePMOView | January 6, 2015

The New Year Begins

The holidays are over for another year and life goes back to some sense of normality. So my job searching is starting back up and I am working on a new article to be published later this month. Hopefully everyone one will enjoy it as well as the others I’ve done.

I also wanted to thank everyone that follows/visits my blog. For something that just started out as a way to show prospective employers that I could write well, this has turned into something much larger. I have no idea where this journey will go, but it definitely has been an amazing ride so far. The best part is the discussions I have had with people who have read my articles and visited my blog. There are some really amazing people out there and it has been a joy to talk with them.

I hope everyone has an amazing start to the year. I look forward to hearing all about it.

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